My Farewell Address to 2016

Let the good times roll, and someone save us in 2017.

2016 was an interesting year for me and for everyone. The perils of the world hit us harder than most from past years. Our future history books will find the pivotal moment from the past year that will shape what's yet to come. For me, 2016 was a continuation of 2015 sprinkled with moments of adulthood and stumbles. I spent much of my 2015 recap in a pessimissistic mood, and it seems the world has taken on that mood too. It really puts a damper on even the best days of your life. 

I've made some very independent decisions and reached milestones, and I thought I'd focus more on the positive.  It's easy to write down 2016 as the worst, but I want to remember the best moments and keep the bad ones in the past. 

Top Travel Moments

Traveling always seemed not worth the trouble before, but I've opened my eyes to new places thanks to a few day trips here and there. Those led to a solo trip to Australia with one of my best friends. 2016 was a year to start getting out of my comfort zone and tread new waters.

Top Concert Moments

I love live music and it was hard to narrow down my favorite concerts of 2016, but here are my top 3.  I already made plans for 2017 as new tours are announced for the spring. I can't wait!

Top 3 Outfits

You guys thought these were the best outfits from 2016.  Of course, a Tom Haverford style made it in, but I see grey seems to be the color of choice.  

Top 3 Milestones

I've graduated, I've festivaled, and I've saved.  Money has always been a struggle for my family, and I have to say it feels good to know I've graduated with a good sized nest egg.  I'm in a weird position where I like to spend on the good stuff cause of FOMO, but also be a scrooge for my savings so I'm prepared for the future. 

What's To Come

So, I've started the year by actually planning out my content and trying to get on a schedule.  This is a challenge for me cause I like to procrastinate on everything.  I have this phobia of never getting the right moment, the right angle, the right message, and then I just completely miss everything.  I'm an unreal perfectionist, so a content calendar is the first step in me being a little more confident in myself.  

I'm definitely planning to travel more and ease into solo trips.  I've realized if you wait around for your friends to schedule something, you just end up wasting time or things are always up in the air.  With that said, I do want to head to Europe this year, maybe Spain, Portugal, or Italy. 

I've also decided that I'm applying for grad school in the fall.  Last year ended up more of me fumbling my way through my first big girl job, and I've realized that I still need to learn more and sharpen skills to really get where I want.  

I have some hefty plans for 2017, so I hope I've started on the right foot.  Though as I write this, I've sat in the same spot the whole weekend....